Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Online Courses for Parents on Homeoprophylaxis - Learn More About Safe Homeopathic Immunization for Your Child!

Dear H4W Subscribers

I now offer
Homeoprophylaxis in my practice - Safe Homeopathic Immunizations in my practice for clients, friends and family from newborns to adults, including for college students and adults who plan to be traveling to foreign countries and want protection from contagious diseases - without dangerous vaccination.

Read more here:

Read about two courses below for more education on this topic geared for parents!

Parents: Free Course
Take a free Course Online:
"Immunization: Your Child, Your Choice"

Enroll: Immunization - Your Child, Your Choice

In this online video Course Dr. Isaac Golden, the world's foremost authority on homeopathic immunization  will provide facts about homeopathic immunization. He will look at the three important questions he is often asked by parents who are researching immunization options for their children.

This course is designed for parents who genuinely care about the health of their children, and who are prepared to take the time to carefully examine health options, and not just rely on being directed by health authorities.

1.      What is Homeopathic Immunization and Is It Safe?

2.      Is Homeopathic Immunization Effective?

3.      Is there any Evidence?

4.     What is the Government's position on Homeopathic Immunization. Are there issues with school entry etc.