Monday, May 18, 2015

Study: Autism and Gut Issues

Study: Autism and Gut Issues

Scientists at Columbia University found that young children with autism had increased incidence of gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms. Results were published in in the March 25, 2015 issue of JAMA Psychiatry.

This article is one of many recently reported that underscore the importance of the gut microbiome in human health.  Potential diagnostic aids as well as therapies may well result once a more complete picture is obtained.  For example, since a mother’s gut bacteria is the primary source of baby’s bacterial inoculation, one could map out the mother’s bacterial genome prior to delivery and perhaps get an indication of the likelihood of gut problems occurring in the infant.

We also know that diet can cause changes in the number and types of bacteria in an individual’s GI tract.  Foreknowledge of the gut microbiome could prompt dietary changes to result in a more optimum bacterial population.

Regardless of future events, we do know that proper nutrition and maintenance of the GI tract is vital to proper gut function. Using enzymes to support the digestion of good foods can help in maintaining good digestive function.