Thursday, August 27, 2015

"Hook, Line and Stinker, The Truth About Fermented Cod Liver Oil" by Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD

 If you are taking FCLO (fermented cod liver oil) please review the attached long (110 page) document on its quality and efficacy, written by Dr. Kaayla T. Daniel.

See this website page for the full report:

These Are Her Conclusions, At The End Of The Document:

“Lab tests indicate the Green Pasture Fermented Cod Liver Oil is rancid; putrid; low in the fat-soluble vitamins A, D and K; apparently diluted with a trans-fat containing vegetable oil — and not even from cod. We have reliable reports that the X-Factor Gold Butter Oil comes from Argentina, not the Great Plains, and it tests rancid as well. And contrary to Green Pasture’s advertising, Dr. Weston A. Price’s own words make it clear that these are not products he would ever have endorsed.

Do you feel betrayed? Let down by the very health experts you trusted? Worried that you may have harmed your loved ones? Upset that you allowed “expert” opinion to override your own good common sense? Angry that you overpaid for a

product that evidence indicates was not as labeled?

Then it’s time to take back your power.

First, talk to friends and family who are taking Green Pasture products. Send them to  to get their own free copy of this report.

Then take care not to be duped again.

Know where your food is coming from. Boat to bottle. Farm to fork.

Know how your food is grown and made. No secrets. No evasions.

Be skeptical of health claims. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. And being “all natural” doesn’t change that. Finally, if you think you have health challenges related to FCLO consumption, share your story with friends, colleagues . . . and me. If you think you’ve been harmed, I would like to offer you a FREE mini appointment by phone or face-to face on Skype. To share your story or to make your appointment, contact me at