Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Discover Your Homeopathic Constitution On-Line at


Take our newly launched "What is My Homeopathic Constitution" Survey on-line in only 15 - 20 minutes, for only $18.00 (USD) per use.

The link for this new Survey is

Once you have completed these easy to answer questions and submitted your survey, you will immediately receive a written report by email that contains all of the questions and your answers, along with numeric scores for each section.

Your final score will indicate the top 3 most likely homeopathic constitutions for you, based on your answers submitted to the Survey.

Your Survey report by email will also include the basic descriptions of each homeopathic constitutional type including: Appearance, Mental and Emotional Aspects, Physical Weaknesses, Dietary Factors, Traits in Children, and Other general characteristics.

Completing our "What is My Homeopathic Constitution" Survey is the first step in beginning to understand your homeopathic constitution and how homeopathy can work to gently bring better health and wholeness to your life!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Homeopathy for Preventing Cavities! Learn More About Calcarea Phosphorica (Calc-Phos.)

Calcarea Phosphorica (Calc-Phos.)
(Phosphate of Lime)

Calcarea Phosphorica keynotes area: Calc-phos. is very essential to the proper growth and nutrition of the body. This salt is found in the blood - plasma and corpuscles, saliva, gastric juice, bones, connective tissue, teeth, milk, etc. It gives solidity to the bones. . Calc-Phos. can help to preventing cavities!

Calc. phos. has a special chemical affinity for albumen, which forms the organic basis for this salt in the tissue - cells, and is required wherever albumen or albuminous substances are found in the secretions. It also supplies new blood - cells, becoming the first remedy in anemia and chlorosis. It is of the greatest importance to the soft and growing tissues, promoting cell growth, supplying the first basis for the new tissues, hence is necessary to initiate growth.

It is the nutritive salt for the periosteum and through it for bones.

Important for the life of the blood, without it there is no coagulation. Cal-Phos is of vital importance to growth and maintenance of healthy cells.

It is a good remedy for children who develop slowly and people who catch colds easily.

Calc-Phos can also be used to prevent cavities!

Homeopathy for Preventing Cavities
Follow this simple directions for Dosing Calc. Phos. as a preventative for Cavities:
·         Be sure to use Calc-Phos 6x (not a 6c)
·         ONE pellet dissolved in 4 oz water.
·         Take 1 tsp. directly from the cup, for everyone in the family.  
·         Discard the extra remedy. 
·         Next time you dose, make up new cup, with no succussions ever.  
·         Dose one month on and then one month off.  

Read more about Calc-Phos:
Lear more about many other homeopathic remedies at our website:

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Remedy of the Month: Arsenicum for Flu Prevention and Flu Treatment

Arsenicum Album: Flu Prevention Dosing with Homeopathy

You may use the Arsenicum album remedy as a flu or flu epidemic preventative as follows:

Option 1: Arsenicum album 30C once a week
Put 2 pellets of Arsenicum album 30C in an 4 oz. cup of filtered water, dissolve and stir it. Take 1/2 tsp. from this cup once a week as the dose and give 1/2 tsp. dose to everyone in the family from this cup. Discard the cup. Make new cup every week. Repeat this dosing during flu season (October through May).

Option 2: Arsenicum album 200C once a month
Put 2 pellets of Arsenicum album 30C in an 4 oz. cup of filtered water, dissolve and stir it. Take 1 tsp. from this cup once a week as the dose and give 1 tsp. dose to everyone in the family from this cup. Discard the cup. Make new cup every week. Repeat this dosing during flu season (October through May).

Option 3: Arsenicum album 200C once a week (use only if there is an epidemic)
Put 2 pellets of Arsenicum album 200C in an 4 oz. cup of filtered water, dissolve and stir it. Take 1 tsp. from this cup as the dose once a week and give 1 tsp. dose to everyone in the family from this cup. Discard the cup. Make new cup every week. Repeat this dosing weekly during flu season if you are in a flu epidemic (October through May).

Arsenicum Album Keynotes are:

Influenza with thin, watery and excoriating nasal discharge. Sneezing. Photophobia. Seaside complaints. Restlessness. Food poisoning. Intolerance of smell of food. Jaundice. Anemia. Skin dry, rough, scaly. Psoriasis which is worse in winters. Periodic fever. Typhoid. Thoughts of committing suicide.

More About Arsenicum Album:
Text below reprinted by permission from The People's Repertory by Dr. Luc De Schepper

"Yes, the greatest poisons make the best remedies, as long as they are administered in a homeopathic dose. Arsenicum is one of the most widely used homeopathic remedies. You should "never leave home without it" as it is the best indicated remedy for food poisoning. The diarrhea and vomiting are quickly relieved and no further consequences are expected. Always travel with Arsenicum album!

People who need Arsenicum are often very restless individuals, anxious and often labeled "hypochondriacs" as they always seem to be searching for a disease. An Arsenicum state is one of great restlessness, with extreme fatigue and severe anxiety. Therefore it is often used acutely in a severe asthma attack, especially for an attack between 1-3 a.m., in which the person has to get out of bed to relieve his shortness of breath and severe wheezing. These people typically require an extra pillow for sleeping to make breathing easier and are thirsty for small sips of cold water. There is often a periodicity (regular recurrence) to these asthma attacks: every two days, every three days, every seven days, etc.

Besides its uses for food poisoning and asthma, Arsenicum is the first remedy to think of for any beginning cold with a clear, runny nose (with or without relentless sneezing or a right-sided sore throat). It is a great flu remedy (a universal one) which can also be used for flu prevention.

No remedy brings more relief to the dying patient than Arsenicum: it calms the struggling patient without doping him. He stays alert yet anxious, which is a relief for the family and patient alike. The picture of a dying patient wanting to hang onto life is not a pretty one, and can cause additional anguish to the family in their time of grief."