Monday, November 5, 2012

The Dangers of GMO Foods: A Likely Cause of Many of Today's Health Problems

The Dangers of GMO Foods: A Likely Cause of Many of Today's Health Problems
by Amy Lansky author of “Impossible Cure”

In addition to his homeopathic teachings, the founder of homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) taught about the importance of food and environment in maintaining good health. If a person is eating poorly, living in damp quarters, etc., these maintaining causes, as he called them, severely limit the good that even excellent homeopathic treatment can achieve. Thus, even if you are under the care of a homeopath and are receiving a remedy that matches you, if you are constantly subjecting to yourself to maintaining causes of disease, you will likely not escape their impact. In my view, the increasingly pervasive presence of GMO foods in our diets is likely a leading cause for many of our current health problems, from the obesity epidemic to the rising tide of sensitivity to gluten, and possibly much more.

A neighbor of mine commented to me a while back -- "What's the big deal about genetically modified foods? We've been genetically modifying our foods through breeding forever." Well, that is true, we have been breeding our foods and animals naturally as long as humans have been farmers and kept domesticated animals.

What my neighbor failed to understand, however, is that today's GMO foods are not the result of natural breeding. They are the result of combining genetic elements between species -- even between animal and plant species -- that would never combine in nature. Thus we get:

·        Plants bred to unnaturally resist specific pesticides and herbicides (naturally, the pesticides and herbicides sold by the company developing the GMO plants).

·        Plants bred to form their own internal pesticides within them.

·        Tomatoes combined with fish genes so that they won't freeze as easily.

·        Plants crossed with bacteria, human blood proteins, vaccines and other drugs.[Kari Kindem's Comments]

As you might guess, the primary motivation behind doing this is usually financial -- for example, to sell more pesticides and herbicides. GMO plants can be sprayed with much more pesticide and herbicide than most plants, killing the pests and weeds but not the plants. The result, of course, is that our food has much more pesticides and herbicides in it. And what is the result of eating foods that incorporate pesticides within their very internal structure? It is scary to contemplate.

The testing of the safety of GMO foods has been very limited, usually lasting only three months, and conducted only by the manufacturers of these "frankenfoods" -- most notably Monsanto. As a result, we humans end up being the real "guinea pigs". Consider the rising tide of ill health in North America -- where GMO foods are most prevalently found -- and you begin to get the picture.

For the first time, an independent long-term study has recently been conducted on one of the most prevalent of GMO foods -- GMO corn. This corn is now the dominant form of corn in the USA and is part of almost every prepared food we eat, because of the pervasive use of corn syrup as a sweetener. It is also in the feed of most farm animals. The test was conducted in France and the corn was found to cause an increase in death in the test rats, and most notably, breast cancer. Interestingly, these toxic effects only showed up after three months. I encourage all of you to watch this YouTube to learn more about this recently released study. In fact, its results have caused Russia to ban this corn for import.

For those trying to eat a gluten-free diet, the pervasiveness of GMO corn is particularly disconcerting because corn is one of the most easily available gluten-free grains. However, it is emerging that GMO corn itself might be at the root of the increasing tide of gluten-sensitivity, because of the way it affects the gut. I encourage you to read more about this and other dangers of GMO foods on

While most countries around the world require labeling of GMO foods (even China, Russia, and India), the USA and Canada does not. As a result, the only way we can protect ourselves from their potentially toxic effects is by eating only organic foods. On November 5, Californians will vote on Proposition 37, which requires GMO food labeling. Monsanto and other food-related businesses are spending millions to try and defeat it. If you live in California, I encourage you to vigorously support Prop 37. If California foods must be labeled, then it is likely that labeling will spread across North America. As those who oppose Prop 37 know, this labeling will likely amount to a death knell for GMOs. I truly pray that happens! It may cause some pain for these businesses in the short run, but they will quickly learn to adapt to the fact that people do not want to eat genetically modified foods. For the sake of the health of our nation (and to stem the rising tide of health care), support GMO food labeling!

Finally, did you know that Aspartame (Nutrasweet) is also a GMO product? Noted for its toxic neurological effects, this artificial sweetener is also pervasive in our food supply. This YouTube video might be interesting for you to watch. There have also been research studies that showed that aspartame increases the risk of obesity, not decreases it. I know many people who chug-a-lug diet soda all day long. They would probably be better off drinking regular soda. But they would be best off simply drinking water.


Friday, October 19, 2012

Watch This: GMO Movie: "Genetic Roulette The Gamble of Our Lives"

Watch This: GMO Movie: Genetic Roulette The Gamble of Our Lives

1 hour 24 minutes of important information in this documentary

Free viewing for a week!


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

ARTICLE: Breastmilk Stem Cells

Breastmilk stem cells.

Hilary Butler - Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A long time ago - 2007 to be precise, the first medical article was published showing that breast milk contained stem cells. Perhaps the mainstream media didn't know what to do with this information. After all, most discussion is about the use of stem cells from aborted fetuses, for trying to correct disease, or parents who stored their child's cord blood, then want to use it to cure the child of some disease

Stem cells are a big deal.

And frankly, cord blood should not be stored, because the primary reason for stem cells in cord blood is that the baby NEEDS that stem cell transfusion at birth. It's not "medical waste" as it was once called, ... it's nature's first stem cell transfusion. These cord blood stem cells can go anywhere in the body, and do anything - because they are pluripotent, and can be used by the body to repair any cells.  But only if the baby has them.  They are no use to the baby stored in a cord blood bank.

Thirty percent of naturally born babies have intracranial hemorrhages and other birthing issues as a result of being squeezed down a 10 cm wide drain pipe... which are best dealt with by cord blood stem cells getting in there and mopping up. Nothing else will do it, as colostrum and milk is not yet on tap.  In order to go anywhere though, it also makes sense that stem cells require easy thin blood to maneuver through.

The medical profession however, has this strange idea that the very thin blood which babies naturally have in the first 7 days, must be "abnormal" because it's not like adult blood, so they give vitamin K at birth.

The problem is that this vitamin K raises the vitamin K levels much higher than in adults.   Since 1985, the medical profession has known that oral vitamin K raises blood levels 300 - 4,000 times higher.  The injectable vitamin K, results in vitamin K levels 9,000 times thicker than adults blood. Why?  Because the medical profession says that baby blood is deficient of vitamin K which makes the blood not clot properly and can cause hemorrhages.  God didn't know what he was doing.  So vitamin K is given, to "thicken" up a baby's blood.

By the same token, the medical system says that older people's blood is too thick, so they prescribe warfarin, to thin the blood.  How does it do that?  By completely screwing with the vitamin K cycle, so that older people's blood becomes thinner than baby's blood because there is no vitamin K in it. The medical system doesn't give a thought to the fact that that also means that older people without vitamin K2 will also have bone problems as a result!    

Baby's blood thickened with vitamin K, causes a situation where stem cells have to move through sludge, not nicely greased blood vessels full of blood which can allow stem cells easy access to anywhere. Maybe one day it will dawn on the medical profession that not only are cord blood stem cells important and useful to the newborn baby, but that stem cells need thin blood for a reason.  But I digress.....

Back to breast milk.

Recently, a Lifenews media article announced more recent finding by Hassiotou, that indeed, ... breast milk has stem cells by the truck load. Even more spectacularly, these stem cells are identical to embryonic stem cells, so that there is no need for scientists to use ethically questionable aborted babies.  Naturally, the focus of the medical system appears to be the  harvesting breastmilk for drug companies.... because...... "Human breast milk may be more than just nourishment for newborns. It may contain hope for a multitude of diseases. Hope that does not require the destruction of innocent human life". 

Hassiotou et al, have not figured out what stem cells in breastmilk are all about in terms of benefits to the baby, but they must suspect some because they say: "Future research should elucidate the role of these cells for the breastfed infant, generating implications for public policy related to early infant nutrition."  Clearly, one of the functions of stem cells also appears to be, to alter gene expression.  I would suggest that the functions of stem-cells are huge.  As I've always said:

Breast milk is NOT just food.

Breast milk has functions which go far beyond nutrition.

Breast milk has a dramatic and long term effect not only on the immune system development, but gut flora, allergy, brain development, and other health parameters.

Breast milk is an immune regulator, a hormone conductor, a bone density wizard and a genetic blueprint scanner.

It is a gene methylator, and two years of breast milk lays, stabilized and solidifies the core genetic manual of health for your child, for that child’s whole life.

Add stem cells to that list.

There is absolutely no doubt that breastfed babies have completely different and far healthier health profiles than formula fed babies, both short and long term. Formula feeding parents are kidding themselves if they believe that is not the case.

Previous research had found that stem cells are present in breast milk for as long as a baby is breast fed.

What does this mean for a baby in practical terms?

Let's hypothesize, since science isn't yet talking about that. If the baby for instance has an illness, what might the stem cells do? Heal the child?

If a baby is involved in a car accident, what might stem cells do? Fix brain damage? Bone damage? Liver damage?

Interestingly, in my 30 years of working with parents of children who have been damaged after vaccines, by far the worst damage I've ever seen, has been seen in formula-fed children. It's got to the point where, if a mother comes to me wanting help with a child with serious health issues showing up after vaccines, I can pretty much predict the answer to the question, "Is your baby breastfed?"

I can pretty much predict the answer to the question, "Was your baby born naturally?"

Mothers with children affected after vaccines have another trait as well.  Their children are often at the doctors and are given a lot more antibiotics, pamol and other needless drugs than breastfed babies.

It's my contention that the "non-nutritive" functions of breast milk are far more valuable than the medical profession admits to parents, and that is why breastfed babies have far lower rates of infections, diseases and health issues short or long term, than formula fed babies. 

What you eat during pregnancy can also have a big impact on the long term health of your child.

In short, real commitment to health and "lifestyle", matters. All the "little" things - nutrition, rest, plenty of sun, good water, natural birth, long term breastfeeding - avoiding all medical system interference, and doing things - dare I say it... "God's way...." add up to one very big result.  Whether it's either a plus, or a minus, comes down to which voices you listen to and which choices you make.

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Vitamin C Treatment of Whooping Cough (Pertussis)

The Vitamin C Treatment of Whooping Cough (Pertussis)

by Suzanne Humphries, MD

This is important. If you think that a vaccinated person cannot get whooping cough, in the most severe manner, think again. Most babies over the age of 6 months who get whooping cough are fully and “appropriately” vaccinated. Pertussis is admittedly, even by the vaccine enthusiasts, primarily spread by vaccinated children, adolescents and adults, who have inadequate immunity. Regardless, they will still say the problem is not with the vaccine, but rather with too few doses of vaccine. However, conventional medicine’s own scientific studies demonstrate that bacterial clearance and immune response is not as efficient in the vaccinated, in particular with the acellular pertussis vaccine. When pertussis is left to take its normal course in the community, the supposedly vulnerable infants that the vaccinationists scream and yell about, are protected by maternal antibodies and mother’s milk until they are old enough to process the disease on their own. After vaccines were introduced, this protection was vastly reduced, because the mothers were only having vaccine antibodies to pass along to their infants, and that defense is neither effective nor long-lasting. A recent study confirms that natural immunity to whooping cough lasts up to 30 years, whereas the immunity from a vaccine lasts 3 years, and after adult boosters, all antibodies have disappeared within a year. The risk of vaccination with unpredictable waning “immunity,” and vaccine failure, is not as reliable as what nature has set forth, and it never will be.

Download PDF of “The Vitamin C Treatment of Whooping Cough”

Monday, August 13, 2012

Amyloid precursor protein fragment may be a biomarker for autism

Amyloid precursor protein fragment may be a biomarker for autism

Published on January 4, 2012 at 7:19 AM

University of South Florida researchers made the discoveries using mouse models of autism

Immune system abnormalities that mimic those seen with autism spectrum disorders have been linked to the amyloid precursor protein (APP), reports a research team from the University of South Florida's Department of Psychiatry and the Silver Child Development Center.

The study, conducted with mouse models of autism, suggests that elevated levels of an APP fragment circulating in the blood could explain the aberrations in immune cell populations and function - both observed in some autism patients. The findings were recently published online in the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.

The USF researchers concluded that the protein fragment might be both a biomarker for autism and a new research target for understanding the physiology of the disorder.

"Autism affects one in 110 children in the United States today," said research team leader Jun Tan, MD, PhD, professor of psychiatry and the Robert A. Silver Chair, Rashid Laboratory for Developmental Neurobiology at USF's Silver Child Development Center. "While there are reports of abnormal T-cell numbers and function in some persons affected with autism, no specific cause has been identified. The disorder is diagnosed by behavioral observation and to date no associated biomarkers have been identified."

"Not only are there no associated biomarkers, but the prognosis for autism is poor and the costs associated with care are climbing," said Francisco Fernandez, MD, department chair and head of the Silver Center. "The work of Dr. Tan and his team is a start that may lead to earlier diagnosis and more effective treatments."

The amyloid precursor protein is typically the focus of research related to Alzheimer's disease. However, recent scientific reports have identified elevated levels of the particular protein fragment, called, sAPP-α, in the blood of autistic children. The fragment is a well-known growth factor for nerves, and studies imply that it plays a role in T-cell immune responses as well.

To study the autism-related effects of this protein fragment on postnatal neurodevelopment and behavior, Dr. Tan and his team inserted the human DNA sequence coding for the sAPP-α fragment into the genome of a mouse model for autism. While the studies are ongoing, the researchers documented the protein fragment's effects on the immune system of the test mice.

"We used molecular biology and immunohistochemistry techniques to characterize T-cell development in the thymus and also function in the spleen of the test animals," Dr. Tan said. "Then we compared transgenic mice to their wild-type littermates."

The researchers found that increased levels of sAPP-α in the transgenic mice led to increased cytotoxic T-cell numbers. The investigators also discovered subsequent impairment in the recall function of memory T-cells in the test mice, suggesting that the adaptive immune response is negatively affected in the presence of high levels of the protein fragment.

"Our work suggests that the negative effects of elevated sAPP-α on the adaptive immune system is a novel mechanism underlying certain forms of autism," concluded Dr. Tan, who holds the Silver Chair in Developmental Neurobiology. "The findings also add support to the role of sAPP-α in the T-cell response."

Source: University of South Florida (USF Health)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Swiss Government's Remarkable Report on Homeopathy!

The Swiss Government's Remarkable Report on Homeopathy

This report on homeopathy is the most comprehensive governmental report on homeopathy ever written...and it is impressively positive towards homeopathy.

To read about this report, read Dana Ullman's newest article at the famed Huffingtonpost here: