Monday, November 23, 2015

Iodine basics - please watch this video on the importance of Iodine

Learn more about Iodine basics - please watch this informative video on the importance of Iodine with iodine expert, Dr. David Brownstein.

He explains why we need iodine, what it does, and how to dose it.

These are the 5 parts, about 10-15 minutes each:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5



Thursday, November 5, 2015

Hidden Sources of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

Hidden Sources of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

If you are suffering from one of the following conditions, you should pay attention to hidden sources of monosodium glutamate (MSG) in your diet:

  • Those sensitive to MSG
  • Chronic constipation or diarrhea
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
  • Crohn's Disease
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Seizures / Epilepsy
  • Food allergies and food sensitivities
  • Idiopathic abdominal swelling (of unknown origin)
  • Cancers
  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
  • Electro-hypersensitivity
  • Epstein-Barr syndrome (EBV) or human herpes virus 4 (HHV-4)
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Autoimmune diseases like Dermatomyositis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren's syndrome and Multiple Sclerosis.
  • Any Arthritic syndrome like Osteoarthritis or Inflammatory Arthritis
  • Gout
  • Metabolic Syndrome (which includes: abdominal (central) obesity, elevated blood pressure, elevated fasting plasma glucose, high serum triglycerides, and low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels); aka metabolic syndrome X, cardiometabolic syndrome, syndrome X, insulin resistance syndrome, Reaven's syndrome or CHAOS
  • High Blood Pressure, Hypertension, arterial hypertension
  • Non-specified aches and pains
  • A host of other named and unnamed conditions

The following information comes directly from one of the mostreputable websites for MSG names

The risks associated with ingestion of (or even contact with) monosodium glutamate and other ingredients that contain MSG are simple and straightforward:

  • Brain damage/injury
  • Endocrine disorders (obesity and reproductive disorders)
  • Behavior disorders
  • Adverse reactions
  • Neurodegenerative disease.
  • Obesity

·        Retinal degeneration

·        Migraine

·        Seizures

·        Headache

·        Cancer

·        Heart irregularities

·        Asthma

Names of ingredients that contain processed free glutamic acid (MSG)1

(Last updated March, 2014)

Everyone knows that some people react to the food ingredient monosodium glutamate. What many don't know, is that more than 40 different ingredients contain the chemical in monosodium glutamate (processed free glutamic acid) that causes these reactions.  The following list has been compiled over the last 20 years from consumer reports and information provided by manufacturers and food technologists.

Names of ingredients that always contain processed free glutamic acid:

  • Glutamic acid (E 620)2
  • Glutamate (E 620)
  • Monosodium glutamate (E 621)
  • Monopotassium glutamate (E 622)
  • Calcium glutamate (E 623)
  • Monoammonium glutamate (E 624)
  • Magnesium glutamate (E 625)
  • Natrium glutamate
  • Anything "hydrolyzed"
  • Any "hydrolyzed protein"
  • Calcium caseinate,  Sodium caseinate
  • Yeast extract, Torula yeast
  • Yeast food, Yeast nutrient
  • Autolyzed yeast
  • Gelatin
  • Textured protein, Textured Vegetable Protein
  • Whey protein

·        Whey protein concentrate

·        Whey protein isolate

·        Soy protein

·        Soy protein concentrate

·        Soy protein isolate

·        Anything "protein"

·        Anything "protein fortified"

·        Soy sauce (Shoyu, Tamari)

·        Soy sauce extract

·        Anything "enzyme modified"

·        Anything containing "enzymes"

·        Anything "fermented"

·        Anything containing "protease"

·        Vetsin

·        Ajinomoto

·        Umami

Names of ingredients that often contain or produce processed free glutamic acid during processing:

  • Carrageenan (E 407)
  • Bouillon and broth
  • Stock
  • Any "flavors" or "flavoring"
  • Natural flavor
  • Maltodextrin
  • Oligodextrin
  • Citric acid, Citrate (E 330)

·        Anything "ultra-pasteurized"

·        Barley malt

·        Malted barley

·        Brewer's yeast

·        Pectin (E 440)

·        Malt extract

·        Seasonings

The following are ingredients suspected of containing or creating sufficient processed free glutamic acid to serve as MSG-reaction triggers in HIGHLY SENSITIVE people:

  • Corn starch
  • Corn syrup
  • Modified food starch
  • Lipolyzed butter fat
  • Dextrose
  • Rice syrup
  • Brown rice syrup

·        Milk powder

·        Reduced fat milk (skim; 1%; 2%)  

·        most things "low fat" or "no fat"

·        anything "enriched"

·        anything "vitamin enriched"

·        anything "pasteurized"

·        Annatto

·        Vinegar

·        Balsamic vinegar

  • certain amino acid chelates (Citrate, aspartate, and glutamate are used as chelating agents with mineral supplements

The following work synergistically with MSG to enhance flavor.  If they are present for flavoring, so is MSG.

  • Disodium 5'-guanylate (E 627)
  • Disodium 5'-inosinate (E-631)
  • Disodium 5′-ribonucleotides (E 635)

The Mueller's have added a few of their own additions from their clinical observation:

  • Brown sugar (dark or light)
  • Sucanat
  • Molasses
  • Demadura
  • Rapadura
  • Braggs Liquid Amino Acids


  • Low fat and no fat milk products often contain milk solids that contain MSG and many dairy products contain carrageenan, guar gum, and/or locust bean gum.  Low fat and no fat ice cream and cheese may not be as obvious as yogurt, milk, cream, cream cheese, cottage cheese, etc., but they are not exceptions.
  • Protein powders contain glutamic acid, which, invariably, will be processed free glutamic acid (MSG).  Individual amino acids are not always listed on labels of protein powders. If you see the word "protein" in an ingredient label, the product contains MSG.
  • At present there is an FDA requirement to include the protein source when listing hydrolyzed protein products on labels of processed foods.  Examples are hydrolyzed soy protein, hydrolyzed wheat protein, hydrolyzed pea protein, hydrolyzed whey protein, hydrolyzed, corn protein. If a tomato, for example, were whole, it would be identified as a tomato. Calling an ingredient tomato protein indicates that the tomato has been hydrolyzed, at least in part, and that processed free glutamic acid (MSG) is present.
  • Disodium guanylate and disodium inosinate are relatively expensive food additives that work synergistically with inexpensive MSG. Their use suggests that the product has MSG in it. They would probably not be used as food additives if there were no MSG present.
  • MSG reactions have been reported from soaps, shampoos, hair conditioners, and cosmetics, where MSG is hidden in ingredients with names that include the words "hydrolyzed," "amino acids," and/or "protein." Most sun block creams and insect repellents also contain MSG.
  • Drinks, candy, and chewing gum are potential sources of hidden MSG and/or aspartame, neotame and AminoSweet (the new name for aspartame). Aspartic acid, found in neotame, aspartame (NutraSweet), and AminoSweet, ordinarily causes MSG type reactions in MSG sensitive people. (It would appear that calling aspartame "AminoSweet" is industry's method of choice for hiding aspartame.) We have not seen Neotame used widely in the United States.
  • Aspartame will be found in some medications, including children's medications. For questions about the ingredients in pharmaceuticals, check with your pharmacist and/or read the product inserts for the names of "other" or "inert" ingredients.
  • Binders and fillers for medications, nutrients, and supplements, both prescription and non-prescription, enteral feeding materials, and some fluids administered intravenously in hospitals, may contain MSG.
  • According to the manufacturer, Varivax–Merck chicken pox vaccine (Varicella Virus Live), contains L-monosodium glutamate and hydrolyzed gelatin, both of which contain processed free glutamic acid (MSG) which causes brain lesions in young laboratory animals, and causes endocrine disturbances like OBESITY and REPRODUCTIVE disorders later in life.  It would appear that most, if not all, live virus vaccines contain some ingredient(s) that contains MSG.
  • Reactions to MSG are dose related, i.e., some people react to even very small amounts. MSG-induced reactions may occur immediately after ingestion or after as much as 48 hours.  The time lapse between ingestion and reaction is typically the same each time for a particular individual who ingests an amount of MSG that exceeds his or her individual tolerance level.
  • Remember: By food industry definition, all MSG is "naturally occurring." "Natural" doesn't mean "safe."  "Natural" only means that the ingredient started out in nature, like arsenic and hydrochloric acid


Monday, November 2, 2015

Alert! Sanofi Recalls All Injectors Used for Allergic Reactions

Alert! Sanofi Recalls All Injectors Used for Allergic Reactions

Sanofi is recalling hundreds of thousands of epinephrine injectors used to treat severe allergic reactions because they may not deliver the correct amount of the life-saving drug.

The recall includes all Auvi-Q injections currently on the U.S. market, or roughly 490,000 packs of the devices, the company said in a press release. Most packs include two injectors.

Sanofi's product competes with Mylan's EpiPen, which is a staple of first-aid care. Both products are used to treat allergic reactions caused by insect bites and stings, foods, medicines or other substances.

About 200,000 people in the U.S. have Sanofi's injector, according to company estimates.

The French drug and vaccine maker said it has received 26 reports of malfunctions with the injectors. None involved patient deaths, according to the company announcement.

Consumers can call 1-866-726-6340 or visit the product's website for information on how to return the injector. They should also contact their health provider to get a prescription for an alternate device.

"As this is a life-saving device, it is important that consumers understand not only to return the recalled device, but to get a replacement epinephrine auto-injector first," said a company spokeswoman in an emailed statement.

Auvi-Q auto injectors were distributed throughout the U.S. through pharmacies, hospitals and wholesalers. The Paris-based company said it has kept the Food and Drug Administration abreast of the recall. The agency approved Auvi-Q in August 2012.



Vaccine Injury DTaP Recovery With Homeopathy in Girl, Age 7!

Vaccine Injury DTaP Recovery With Homeopathy in Girl, Age 7!

"My daughter is no longer a "problem child". She's just a child, and a healthy one too!
I know that homeopathy, and Kari's expert usage of it, is what has brought her to where she is today. [Kari J. Kindem's Comments]
Most impressive, though, is her attitude and maturity. She is happy, socially successful, well directed, and a hard worker. "

"My oldest daughter was 5 years old. She'd always been pudgy, one of those extremely healthy looking babies, but it seemed that the baby fat just kept on her. She also was rather inactive. She got tired playing, she would go on walks with me and come home tired, it seemed she didn't have much energy. She also was extremely fearful, and any episodes of fearfulness usually ended with her screaming, writhing on the floor, and peeing on the floor. For example, she could not be out of my sight. If I left the room to go into another room, she would insist on coming with me, including to the bathroom, and would start screaming if I left without her. If I asked her to go into her bedroom to get something, in the middle of the day, she would start screaming and crying with fear. If I pushed her at all, or said anything to the effect of "you need to get your shoes from your room so we can go walk", a screaming, writhing fit would ensue. If we continued with any level of pressure, she would pee on the floor.  She didn't sleep well. She had trouble getting to sleep at a normal hour, would lay awake until 11 pm or later, and then would sleep 6-7 hours and be awake again.

Fits were an ongoing thing, and we found ourselves changing our behavior towards her, accommodating her in many small ways all day, trying to keep a changeless household and changeless schedule so that nothing would set her off. These accommodations became debilitating.

In addition, I was noticing developmental issues. For one, she did not pattern-recognize her letters and numbers at all, despite all the time I'd spent reading to her, the copious developmental books and toys, and an iPad. In contrast, her 2 year old sister recognized all those patterns easily.

She had 2 younger sisters and was definitely showing signs of double-displacement. She would oscillate between angry and extremely needy. In general, she was the "problem person" in the family, and I knew that she would have to heal in order for this to change.

She was also what I called extremely "pokey". Everything was something to be poked at. A finger in your butt when you got out of the shower, over and over and over and over with hysterical laughter, unable to stop no matter how angry it made the other person. There was no response to this, it was continuously hysterically funny. She would get into these excessive hysterical states, with hysterical high-pitched laughing, with anything having to do with genitals and bathroom humor, and couldn't stop. Eventually this hysteria would degrade to screaming and crying. Probably because after 10-15 minutes we were at our wit's end and forced her to take a nap or something.

She had been almost fully vaccinated. I'd stopped before MMR as I started to learn and understand the risks, and problems, with vaccinating.

My feeling was, she could not succeed at school (any kind of schooling, even unschooling, or life), mainly due to the emotional and fit-throwing issues. I also didn't feel she was able to focus, do what she had to do, and complete any work. I feared she would be outcast and bullied by other children for eccentricities. I chose to home school her and work with Kari and homeopathy, giving her time.

Working with Kari was the best thing that ever happened for her. Much of her treatment was geared towards backing out vaccine damage, a high level of toxicity, and the resulting spectral-level tendencies. She was challenging to treat. Kari suspected that she also had PANDAS, but I never went ahead with any testing as she was continuously improving.

Initial improvements were physical. She suddenly had much more energy, energy that I expect in a child -- the ability to run around and play all day long. Instead of sitting on the couch, she was up and at it, all day. Also, her sleeping improved tremendously. Her hormonal cycles regulated and she started going to sleep at a reasonable time for children, 8:30 - 9:30 pm, and sleeping all night long.

Slowly, emotional issues started working out. I wouldn't necessarily notice until filling out my monthly report, when I'd realize -- wow, we really didn't experience any big writhing fits this month. The hysterical laughing, haven't heard that for a while.

Personality-wise, I would get frustrated with her as she insisted on the "way things had to be" and was extremely stubborn all the time. We both worked on this, with my own treatment and hers, and our relationship improved immensely.

At a certain point in the treatment, probably a year in, one day I wrote Kari and said, "She's ready for school". We continued treating her and there were ups and downs, but she was ready, and to me, this was a huge indicator that she was healing nicely. Eventually, she entered a Montessori school at age 7, 2nd grade, and excelled. She still did not recognize letters at the beginning of the year, and received Title 1 assistance to catch her up. The start was slow, it took her over half a year to remember all the letters and sounds, and her teachers worked with her, with the different intelligence types. Her teacher told me that, in general, if a child misses a developmental milestone, they have to wait for a new "window" to catch up, and it requires more effort. But as the year progressed, she grew, and by the end of the year was reading at an early 2nd grade level, and now says that reading is her favorite activity. She would come home, have energy to run around, and then want to read more at night before going to sleep.

Most impressive, though, is her attitude and maturity. She is happy, socially successful, well directed, and a hard worker. At this school, the children are asked to complete a certain number of works in a week, and have the responsibility of managing that for themselves. She's excelled in this environment. She is also a truth teller; she knows what truth is and is not afraid to speak her mind. My daughter is no longer a "problem child". She's just a child, and a healthy one too! I know that homeopathy, and Kari's expert usage of it, is what has brought her to where she is today."



Happy Vitamin D Day!

Happy Vitamin D Day! November 2nd is Vitamin D Day.  If you are not on Vitamin D3 daily, you need to be!

These are the minimums recommended, without testing done. Blood prick tests are available at :

·        Adults 5,000 IU’s daily

·        Pregnant women 6,000 IU’s daily

·        Children 2,000 – 4,000 IU’s daily

·        Infants 1,000 IU’s daily

Order high quality Vitamin D3 supplements in drops or capsules here

Watch this 15 minute video to learn the benefits of Vitamin D, how to test for deficiency and much more here

