Monday, October 16, 2017

Excellent short video on the Symptoms off Mercury Poisoning

Please watch this 11 minute video when time, it is very good and discusses the key symptoms of mercury toxicity.


Learn more about mercury toxicity which comes from vaccines, food, water, air and of course silver dental amalgams which are 50% mercury by weight.

For vaccine injured children with autism and others with vaccine injury, the connection of vaccines to mercury and aluminum toxicity has been demonstrated in clinical studies.

Read more about these toxicity metals here: and


Monday, October 2, 2017

Take Action: House Resolution 327 denies vaccine injuries occur!

Vaccines absolutely cause significant and sometimes irreparable harm or death.

Please share this information with your networks of like-minded people who understand the dangers of vaccinations and the importance that our government take responsibility for protecting the lives of millions of children and adults.


US Take Action: House Resolution 327 denies vaccine injuries occur

Contact your Representative

Please click on the Take Action Link to send a message to your member of the House asking him or her to oppose this Resolution, and to remove their name as a co-sponsor if they have already signed-on.

House Resolution 327 reads like a press release from a vaccine company.  See it here:"search"%3A%5B"vaccine"%5D%7D&r=2

Rep. Schiff and the co-sponsors appear unfamiliar with the most basic facts about vaccines and vaccine policy. Every package insert for every vaccine in America contains information about the possible injuries the Federal government admits could occur to healthy adults and children. Schiff and colleagues also seem to be unaware of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, the "vaccine court," that considers thousands of cases of vaccine injury every year and has paid out more than $3 billion in damages. One also has to wonder if vaccines are as safe as Schiff claims why does the vaccine industry and pediatricians demand completely liability protection from any injury caused by a vaccine?

Schiff's Resolution states, "Whereas vaccines in the United States undergo exhaustive safety testing before they are licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are monitored for adverse events after health care providers begin administering them to patients" If vaccines are as safe as Schiff asserts why the need to monitor adverse events that he claims do not occur?

Schiff also condemns, without being specific, criticism of vacine safety, "the dissemination of unfounded, and debunked, theories about the dangers of vaccinations pose a great risk to public health," but we all know what he means.

House Resolutions, if passed, do not go to the Senate or the President for consideration and adoption as a law. They are statements of the consensus understanding and preferred policy positions of the members of the House of Representatives. Nonetheless, House Resolution 327 enshrines as preferred US House of Representatives policy demonstrably incorrect assertions that can and will be easily refuted by those who are better informed than Schiff, and who are aware and concerned about the growing number of documented vaccine injuries in the United States.