Forced Vaccination Bill in VA Moving Fast
Breaking News: A public hearing on this bill (HB1342) has been just scheduled by the House Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee (Subcommittee #2) for tomorrow, Jan. 28, 2016 at 8:30 a.m. to about noon in the State Capitol General Assembly Building, Room D, (1000 Bank St, entrance at North 9th St. & East Broad St. - 1st floor) Richmond, VA. Public testimony (3 minutes) is allowed.
The most oppressive forced vaccination bill introduced in any state is being sponsored by an attorney and co-sponsored by an obstetrician for the purpose of eliminating the religious belief vaccine exemption for all children attending daycare and schools in the state, including homeschooled children. The bill (HB1342) would additionally prohibit state licensed doctors and nurse practitioners from exercising professional judgment and delaying administration of or granting a child a medical exemption that does not conform with narrow federal vaccine contraindication guidelines.
31 Doses of 12 Federally Recommended Vaccines, No Exemptions
Current Virginia law requires minor children attending public or private day care centers or schools, as well as homeschooled children, to receive up to 31 doses of 12 federally recommended vaccines administered according to the CDC childhood vaccine schedule unless parents submit (1) a statement from a state licensed physician or nurse practitioner that one or more required vaccines would be detrimental to the health of the child or (2) a signed affidavit from the parent that one or more of the required vaccines conflicts with religious tenets or practices.
In order to grant a child a medical vaccine exemption, HB1342 would force doctors and nurse practitioners to adhere to narrow federal vaccine contraindications that exclude 99.99 percent of children from vaccine exemptions, and it would force parents to violate their conscience by denying a religious belief vaccine exemption, including in cases where a child has already suffered a vaccine reaction, has been disabled or has a sibling who has been injured or died after being vaccinated.
Only 1 percent of VA Children Have Vaccine Exemptions Now
The Bill of Rights of the Virginia Constitution, as well the Virginia 1786 Act for Religious Freedom, the Virginia 2007 Religious Freedom Act and the Virginia 2013 Parental Rights Act contain strong language protecting the exercise of freedom of conscience, religious beliefs and parental rights. According to the CDC, Virginia ranks in the top third of states with high kindergarten vaccination rates for DTaP, MMR and varicella zoster shots and only 1.1% of children have medical or religious vaccine exemptions.
Bill Could Become Law Within Six Weeks
The bill was introduced on Jan. 21 and was immediately referred to the Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee. It could become law within six weeks. If you are a Virginia resident and want to protect vaccine exemptions, immediately go to the NVIC Advocacy Portal and become a registered Portal user and read the full Virginia Action Alert on HB1342, and find out how to take action today. You will also be able to stay up to date on the bill's status and what you can do each step of the way. The Portal will put you in immediate electronic contact with your own Virginia state legislators and the Governor so you can make your voice heard.
Read and download a referenced NVIC Briefing Paper on Virginia HB 1342 and make comment here.