Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Does soft drink consumption contribute to low vitamin D levels? YES

From the Vitamin D Council

Researchers have found that high consumption of soft drinks may relate to vitamin D deficiency in premenopausal women.

About one-half of the U.S. population consumes sugar-sweetened beverages on any given day. The over consumption of soft drinks has been associated with adverse health outcomes, including diabetes, hypertension, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and low bone mineral density.

Researchers recently conducted a study to see if consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with vitamin D status.

They enrolled 741 premenopausal women and gave them a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) survey to establish their consumption of sweetened beverages, including colas, sweet fruit drinks, and carbonated drinks. FFQ is a checklist of foods and beverages, in which participants record the foods and drinks that they consume and the frequency of their consumption.

The researchers found that those with a higher intake of colas had lower vitamin D levels. Women who drank more than three servings of colas per week had 12.7% lower vitamin D levels compared to non-consumers.

Out of the women who drank more than three servings of colas per week, 47.8% had vitamin D levels below 20 ng/ml and 10.9% had vitamin D levels below 12 ng/ml.

A correlation between carbonated beverages and vitamin D levels was observed, but it was insignificant. There was no association between sweet fruit drinks and vitamin D levels.

“In our study, we found an inverse association of intake of colas with 25(OH)D concentrations and also a non-significant negative correlation between intake of other carbonated beverages and 25(OH)D concentrations,” the researchers concluded.

The researchers call for studies of longer duration to help clarify the relationship between vitamin D levels and sugar-sweetened beverages.


Duchaine S., Diorio C. Association between Intake of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Circulating 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentration among Premenopausal Women. Nutrients, 2014.