Thursday, October 30, 2014

Season of birth may influence temperament and personality type in adulthood

Season of birth may influence temperament and personality type in adulthood

A new study has found that babies born in the winter are at a decreased risk of developing certain temperaments and mood disorders later in life.

This new research comes out of the annual conference of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Congress that was held in Berlin earlier this week.

Seasons can have short term effects on mood and behavior, yet it is also thought that season of birth can have long-term effects on health outcomes. This has been seen in the development of food allergies or in how athletic children are.

While the mechanisms for this remain unclear, it is thought that vitamin D plays a role in these outcomes.

Those born in winter are often found to be at reduced risk for certain medical conditions. These babies are born to women who were pregnant during summer, the season when vitamin D levels are higher and vitamin D production from the sun is readily available.

Researchers recently conducted a study in which they recruited 400 participants and matched their season of birth with their personality types in adulthood.

“Biochemical studies have shown that the season in which you are born has an influence on certain monamine neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin, which is detectable even in adult life,” stated lead researcher Dr. Xenia Gonda.

“This led us to believe that birth season may have a longer-lasting effect.”

They found that cyclothymic temperament, characterized by swings between being sad and cheerful, is significantly more frequent in those born in the summer. Hyperthymic temperament, characterized by excessive positive behavior, was significantly more frequent in those born in spring and summer.

Adults born in autumn and winter were significantly less likely to have depressive temperament and irritable temperament, respectively.

“What’s new from this group of researchers is the influence of season at birth and temperament,” said Dr. Eduard Vieta from the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology. “Temperaments are not disorders but biologically-driven behavioral and emotional trends.”


Gonda, X. et al. Season of birth shows a significant impact on the distribution of affective temperaments in a nonclinical population. European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Congress, 2014.


Friday, October 24, 2014

Heartburn? My Gut Feeling Is That You Need More Acid (.....not less!)

Homeopathy will correct digestive disorders, help people wean off suppressive antacids and drugs and support the healing of the gut, naturally, including H-pylori infections.

Heartburn? My Gut Feeling Is That You Need More Acid

By Suzy Cohen on June 10, 2014

Dear Pharmacist,
In a previous column on apple cider vinegar (ACV), you stated that “heartburn and reflux can sometimes be related to insufficient levels of stomach acid, not high levels like many of you who take acid blockers assume.”  Really Suzy?  I’ve been on Omeprazole for years for heartburn.  My doctor says you’re nuts and got angry when I questioned him. –T.B. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Doctors who thoroughly understand gastrointestinal function know this basic principle of physiology. A simple blood test evaluates stomach acid levels. Most physicians don’t test your “gastrin” level, they just hand you a prescription for medication. This bothers me.
Judging from the millions of pills that are dispensed from American pharmacies on a daily basis, the business of convincing you that “stomach acid is bad” is working. Don’t misunderstand, acid blocking drugs are effective and necessary for certain individuals, but they are way overprescribed. As a nation, we should spend more money educating the public on how to eat healthier, rather than drugging people up each day, and advertising double-bacon triple-bypass cheeseburgers. I’m just saying…
Anyway, the signs of low acid (termed hypochlorhydria) may be heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome, burping, cramps, food sensitivities and a higher risk for autoimmune disorders, gallbladder disease, pancreatitis and cancer.

Hypochlorhydria is a huge problem in this country and it’s getting more widespread, especially since the advent of acid blocking meds. Insufficient acid (whether it is drug-induced or not) can also cause:

  • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Elevated homocysteine
  • Rosacea and acne
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Eczema and psoriasis
  • Yeast infections
  • Adrenal exhaustion
  • Vitiligo

Why does acid help? Many reasons, and one of them is that it keeps the tiny trap door shut between your stomach and esophagus. This sphincter is pH sensitive and in a healthy person, it stays shut because of the natural stomach acid. With acid deficiency, the stomach pH increases and this may cause the trap door to swing open, causing that familiar burn. Many people swear by the vinegar trick because it provides various acids including “acetic” acid, but gulping ACV forever is not my preference because it may be too caustic.
Digestive acids are sold at health food stores by names such as “betaine hydrochloride,” “betaine with pepsin” or “trimethylglycine.” Begin supplementation slowly and increase your dosage upward based on symptom relief. Take acid supplements at the end of each meal, not the beginning.  Ask a knowledgeable physician if acid supplements are appropriate for you, especially if you take medications of any sort.  Acid supplements aren’t right for everyone and should be approached with caution.
Betaine supplements work best when you eat healthy foods; you may also need to be gluten and casein free. Depending on your condition, you could also greatly benefit from probiotics, digestive enzymes, ginger, cayenne pepper, glutamine, bile salts and/or DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice).


Monday, October 20, 2014

Beyond Antibiotics

Comments by Kari J. Kindem, CFHom: Remember that homeopathy beautifully treats all types of infections and illnesses for which antibiotics are often prescribed, ear infections in particular with no damage to the immune system.


Portions from

by Lawrence Wilson, MD

© April 2012, The Center For Development


Beyond Antibiotics is the title of a book by two medical doctors, Keith Sehnert, MD and Lendon Smith, MD.  These gutsy authors challenge one of the most sacred cows of conventional medicine, the widespread use of antibiotics.  I have found antibiotics are very rarely needed, and most often they are very harmful.  I have drawn information from the book to write this article.

Doctors prescribe antibiotics at what can only be termed an incredible rate.  According to several studies done around the year 2000, obstetricians and gynecologists wrote 2,645,000 antibiotic prescriptions every week.  Internists prescribed 1,416,000 per week.  This works out to 211,172,000 prescriptions annually, just for the two specialties!  Pediatricians prescribe over $500 million worth of antibiotics annually just for one condition, ear infections.

The intent of this article is not to suggest that antibiotics should never be used.  They can be life-saving.  However, many health authorities are beginning to admit that antibiotics are overprescribed and toxic, creating many subtle problems that are worse than the original condition.  Let us examine antibiotics more carefully in light of recent findings.



Among the prevalent myths about antibiotics are the following three:


Myth #1. Antibiotics are responsible for the decline in infectious disease.  The truth is that antibiotics are helpful for many infections.  However, antibiotics have not resulted in the elimination of infectious diseases by themselves.

In fact, we now have antibiotic-resistant diseases that are much more difficult to treat as a direct result of the use of antibiotics such as certain strains of gonorrhea and tuberculosis, as well as many others that are less well known such as MRSA, a resistant strain of staphylococcus.  These cause many deaths, especially in hospitals.

In Beyond Antibiotics, the authors use graphs to trace the incidence of the major infectious diseases from 1900 to 1973.  The diseases include measles, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, pneumonia, influenza, whooping cough, diphtheria and polio.

All were in decline for several decades before the introduction of antibiotics or vaccines.  After reviewing the data, researchers John McKinlay and Sonja McKinlay at Boston University concluded that ".. at most, 3.5% of the total decline in mortality since 1900 could be ascribed to medical measures introduced for the diseases considered here".  Improved nutrition and improved sanitation and hygiene were far more important than the 'wonder drugs' or vaccines to reduce these diseases.



Myth 2. Antibiotics are useful against colds and flu. 

In truth, antibiotics are only helpful for bacterial infections.  However, many physicians continue to prescribe them for viral conditions such as colds and flu.  The rationale is to prevent secondary bacterial infection.  This would be fine, except for myth #3 below, the dangers of antibiotics. Given the dangers of antibiotics, it is prudent in most cases not to take antibiotics for colds and flu’s.  They can worsen the situation and prolong recovery.



Myth #3.  Antibiotics are harmless. 

This is the most insidious myth.  It leads to overprescribing and blinds physicians and the public to the dangers of antibiotics, described in the next section.  Meanwhile, safer methods of avoiding and treating infections are ignored on the premise that the antibiotics will take care of everything.

The Physicians’ Desk Reference lists the adverse effects of antibiotics.  Anyone who is taking an antibiotic (or any other medication) should read about the adverse effects.  This can help prevent nasty surprises. The interaction between antibiotics and other medications should also be noted.  In addition to the side effects and cautions described in books, antibiotics present other problems that are described below.



The list of problems with antibiotics is quite long.  Some are common and well known.  Others are subtle, but no less important.  I have divided the adverse effects into nine categories:

1) They contribute to cancer. 
A 2008 study of 3,000,000 people divided the participants into groups that had taken no antibiotics for the past two years, those that had taken 2-5 prescriptions and those that had taken six or more prescriptions in the same time period.  Participants were tracked for six years afterwards.  Those who had taken 2-5 antibiotic prescriptions had a 27% increase in cancers compared to those who took none.  Those who took six or more prescriptions had a 37% increase in cancers.  This was a carefully done study on a large group of people and published in a very reputable journal (Int J Cancer 08;123:2152-2155).

Other studies show the same thing.
  A National Cancer Institute study in a major medical journal found that the incidence of breast cancer doubled among women who took more than 25 antibiotic prescriptions or took antibiotics for more than 500 days over 17 years (JAMA 04;291:827-835).


2. Allergic Reactions. 
I used to worry every time I prescribed penicillin when I was a medical intern.  It had been explained that rarely   patient would have a fatal allergic reaction to it.  I was taught that if I practiced medicine long enough someone would die in my office after a shot of penicillin. While this is uncommon, other allergic reactions to antibiotics occur frequently.  Not only can the drug cause a reaction, but most antibiotics contain chemical colors, sugar and other additives that can trigger a reaction in sensitive individuals.  


3. Destruction Of Beneficial Bowel Flora. 

Like pesticides, antibiotics kill good bugs along with the bad ones.  Wide-spectrum antibiotics are notorious for this.  The human intestine has a somewhat delicate ecology in which certain bugs help digest food, produce certain vitamins, and maintain a balance of organisms that prevents harmful bacteria and yeasts from multiplying. 

Wide-spectrum antibiotics derange the normal ecology of the intestine.  This can cause parasitic infection, vitamin deficiencies, loss of minerals through diarrhea, inflammation of the gut, malabsorption syndromes and development of food allergies due to defects in intestinal function.


4. Development Of Resistant Species Of Micro-organisms. 

An article in Science Magazine, August 1992, stated, "Doctors in hospitals and clinics around the world are losing the battle against an onslaught of new drug-resistant bacterial infections including staph, pneumonia, strep, tuberculosis, dysentery and other diseases that are costly and difficult, if not impossible, to treat".  Bacteria have a certain ability to mutate.  Antibiotics kill bacteria that are susceptible to their action, but this leaves the field open for mutant strains to multiply even more.  It is a case of survival of the fittest.  The use of antibiotics actually encourages the development of the mutant, drug-resistant super-bacteria.


5. Immune Suppression. 

This may sound odd, as the purpose of antibiotics is presumably to help the immune response.  However, evidence indicates that people treated with antibiotics have more repeat infections than those who are not treated.  This is especially true of children whose ear infections are treated with antibiotics.  Vitamin A and C and the use of simple herbs such as Echinacea and astragalus, for example, are much safer and often equally effective.

In fact, antibiotics do not aid the immune system.  They replace one of its functions.  Antibiotics act by inhibiting certain enzymatic processes of bacteria, and by changing mineral balances.  Normal cells, however, are also affected.  This may be one reason why antibiotics weaken the immune response.  Other toxic effects of antibiotics, such as the effect upon the normal bowel flora, may also be a cause.      

AIDS research indicates that a risk factor for AIDS is an impaired immune response.  This can be due to a history of repeated antibiotic use.  Perhaps it is no accident the same group with the highest incidence of AIDS is also a group that uses more antibiotics than other groups in America.

The link between antibiotic use and increased cancer rates can also be explained this way.  This topic is discussed in the paragraphs above under #1.


6. Overgrowth of Candida Albicans And Other More Dangerous Intestinal Infections. 
Normally, candida albicans, a common yeast, lives peacefully in our intestines and elsewhere, in harmony with other flora that keep the yeast in check.  Take an antibiotic and all of this changes.  By suppressing the normal flora, candida takes over and problems begin.  In its mild form the result is diarrhea or a yeast infection.   

Far more serious is the growing problem of chronic muco-cutaneous yeast infection.  This is described in books such as The Yeast Connection and The Yeast Syndrome.  It is a major iatrogenic illness today, and a very debilitating and potentially fatal condition.  One of the prime risk factors for chronic candida infection is repeated antibiotic use.

Even more dangerous is that antibiotic use opens the intestines to infection by other species of pathogenic or disease-causing bugs, parasites, yeasts and other types of organisms ranging from amebas to far more toxic ones that can cause all types of systemic damage, as well as damage to the intestinal lining and related areas.      


7. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 
This is another 'new' health plague.  It is associated with chronic viral illness and a weakened immune system.  While its exact origins are not clear, one of the major risk factors for chronic fatigue syndrome is - you guessed it - repeated antibiotic use.

8. Nutrient Loss And Resulting Deficiency States. 
Nutrient loss from antibiotics is due in part to diarrhea, which causes a loss of essential minerals.  Destruction of friendly bacteria in the intestines can also impair the synthesis of certain vitamins in the intestines.  While not a major cause of malnutrition, antibiotic usage may be another factor contributing to poor nutrition and thus a weakened body chemistry.

9. Treating Effects, Not Causes. 
Antibiotics only address the end-stage result of a weakened body chemistry - bacterial invasion.  The bacteria may only be there to "mop up" the biological debris that are present because the body is too weak to eliminate the poisons.

Fever is one way the body burns up toxic substances.  Providing it does not get out of hand, the infectious process can serve a useful purpose.  Cutting short the process with antibiotics aborts the cleansing function of a fever and impairs long-term health.

Not true, you might say.  However, I believe it is true in some cases because on tissue mineral tests, there are clear indicators of increased susceptibility to infections.  The indicators are: 1) a low energy level, 2) a low sodium/potassium ratio, 3) toxic levels of mercury, copper, or cadmium, and 4) low zinc.

In hundreds of cases, when these imbalances are corrected, the tendency for infections decreases drastically.  In other words, healthy people do not get as many infections.  Infections do not strike randomly.  There is a logic to infections, and the underlying causes can be addressed.  

This line of reasoning traces back to the famous debate between Pasteur and Beauchamp.  Dr. Pasteur insisted that germs are the cause of disease.  His colleague, Beauchamp, insisted that the health of the host was more important than the germs.

On his death bed, Pasteur was said to have declared that Beauchamp was correct - "the host is everything, the germs are nothing".  Orthodox medicine, however, embraced Pasteur's view, and ignored Beauchamp.  It is time to focus more on the person, and less on the germs.


10. High Cost. 

While the cost of a single antibiotic prescription may not be extremely high, newer ones are somewhat costly.   The costs are high when the side effects are considered, along with the sheer numbers of prescriptions that are written around the world each day , month and year.

Millions of doctor visits and prescriptions for antibiotics add up to a major expense.  While penicillin is not expensive, other newer antibiotics are quite costly.

These newer antibiotics are used more frequently today due to the presence of penicillin-resistant strains of bacteria.  We must also include in the cost of antibiotics the cost of allergic reactions, candida albicans infections, repeat infections, development of resistant organisms and immune suppression.    

The cost is justified if life is at stake.  However, if less toxic and less costly alternatives can be used, shouldn't these be tried first?  Bringing health care costs under control is not just a matter of eliminating waste and inefficiency.  We need methods of healing that build up the health of the people, not tear it down.



Steps to avoid the need for antibiotics can be divided into two areas: prevention of infection, and alternative treatment of infections.


Preventing Infections: 
Preventing infections is a part of taking back control over your life and health.  You can do a lot to prevent infections.  Much of it involves common sense. 



Wash your hands several times daily, wash wounds carefully, dress properly in cold weather, and obtain adequate rest and sleep.  Proper hygiene and sanitation are measures we often take for granted.         

Also, be careful in restaurants with what you eat.  Eggs are the best, soft boiled if possible.  If they will not make them this way, poached or even fried are best.  Scrambled are not as good.  Please avoid all meats that are not fresh, all dressings unless you know they are fresh and salads unless you are sure they are clean.  Cooked food is much better in restaurants.  Always avoid pork, ham and bacon in restaurants.  Most other foods are safe if cooked adequately.

Also on the subject of cleanliness, be careful in restroom, especially public ones.  Wash your hands before and after using the toilet, ideally, but at least afterwards, and use the towel that you dry your hands with to reach for the door and even the flusher if the room is not clean.  Most public restrooms are filthy.  Do not put clothing, baggage or purses on the floor.

2. Diet, Rest and Sleep. 

Rest and sleep are of utmost importance to avoid infections of all kinds.  In addition, a healthful diet is also most critical.  Adequate intake of nutrients including vitamins A, C, E, selenium, and zinc are important for the immune system. 

Fresh, natural, unsprayed foods contain much higher amounts of nutrients than the processed and artificial 'junk' foods so commonly eaten today.  Do your best to find meats that are antibiotic-free and hormone-free. 

Drink water that is as pure as possible. Unlike some health authorities, I use bottled water although it is packaged in plastic.  I believe this is better than taking a chance on tap water in most locations.  The best is usually spring or distilled water.

Also, healthful eating habits are almost as important as what you eat.  Eat regular meals, slowly, in a relaxed manner, chew thoroughly and rest after the meal at least five or ten minutes before resuming your regular activities.  Do not eat on the run, but sit quietly without talking on the telephone or driving a car while eating.  

3. Reduce Toxic Exposure. 
Reduce or eliminate your exposure to toxic chemicals from food, air, water or through direct contact with your skin or elsewhere (such as mercury amalgam dental fillings).
Also, breathe air that is as pure as possible.  We realize that in cities this is impossible.  Air purifiers in the home can be helpful in this regard. 

Don’t store toxic cleaning agents, solvents and other toxic chemicals inside your home, and look for less toxic alternatives.  Have your silver amalgam dental fillings replaced, if possible, with composite or other, less toxic alternatives.  Mercury used in amalgams is known to inhibit the immune system.

4. Attitudes.
Your thoughts and attitudes affect your immune system more than you may imagine.  Fears, anger, worries and resentments tend to weaken the immune system. 

Positive, inspiring thoughts have a beneficial effect on the body.  Spiritual thinking, which is thinking about positive subjects and that God or the high self is present and loving, can even be helpful when  one is ill or to help prevent getting an infection.  However, this is not substitute for cleanliness and the other suggestions in this article.

Positive thinking not enough. 

While thinking correctly is a key, never avoid doing the physical suggestions here to prevent and get rid of infections, believing you can just think yourself well.   Some people can do this, but most cannot or will not have the discipline to do it correctly.  Since infections are always potentially life-threatening, always do all you can to care for them properly.

Deep breathing, which helps oxygenate the blood, has a very beneficial effect upon the immune system.  

Saunas, steam baths, yoga, and other natural health practices may also help prevent infections, providing you do not overdo on anything.



Antibiotics are a class of medications that can save lives.  However, antibiotics are extremely overprescribed and most are quite toxic.  They should be used as a last resort, not the first.  Very often, simple, inexpensive natural methods described here work better with far fewer adverse effects.

Infections are always serious conditions, even seemingly mild ones.  Therefore, take care of all infections rapidly, and aggressively.  Natural remedies often work superbly.  Finally, always ask for help if you are not sure how to use simple, natural methods or if an infection is not beginning to get a little better, at least, after two or three days, at the most. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

NVIC: Will There Be An Ebola Outbreak in America?


Will There Be An Ebola Outbreak in America?

In the Digital Age, infectious disease outbreaks like Ebola 1 are brought into our lives through our smart phones, tablets and laptops and we can easily access and quickly analyze the information we receive. As Americans get smarter and more savvy about how to sort through the kind of fear-based rhetoric that sells newspapers, we are able to better assess exactly what is going on with Ebola 2 3 in Africa and the U.S. and ask good questions about what we are seeing.4 5

Inquiring minds want to know the truth about why Ebola hemorrhagic fever has landed on American soil. Unfortunately, Congress 6 and officials at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS),7 Departments of Defense (DOD) 8 9 and Homeland Security 10 are having a hard time coming up with answers that do not raise more questions. 11

Let’s review the brief timeline of what is being billed as “The Worst Ebola Outbreak Ever,” 12 that has prompted top US public health officials to warn that Ebola could become as widespread as HIV/AIDS 13 while pharmaceutical companies partnering with federal agencies are scrambling to fast track experimental Ebola vaccines to market. 14 15 16 17

Here is how a localized Ebola outbreak has been turned into a global public health emergency:

In the spring of 2014, the African nations of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone report a surge in cases of Ebola, a highly contagious viral infection that starts with symptoms of fever, headache, muscle and stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, bruising and, in severe cases, progresses to bleeding from the nose, mouth and gastrointestinal tract. Between 25 and 90% of Ebola cases end in death and the current Africa-based outbreak is averaging a 40 to 50% case fatality rate. 18 19

In June and July, missionary workers in Africa repeatedly contact US health officials, warning that there is urgent need for an immediate response to the spread of Ebola. 20

By August 2, an American missionary infected with Ebola in Liberia is flown from Liberia to Atlanta for treatment with an experimental drug (ZMapp) 21 22 and shows signs of improvement within 24 hours, eventually fully recovering.

Ten days later, the World Health Organization approves use of fast tracked experimental drugs and vaccines in humans after declaring Ebola an “international public health emergency.” 23

Eight days later, Liberian security forces violently clash with citizens trying to break out of a government-imposed quarantine that left panicked residents in a poor neighborhood without food or other supplies. 24

On September 2, NIH announces upcoming clinical trials using an experimental genetically engineered viral vectored vaccine co-developed by NIH and GlaxoSmithKline that will by-pass normal FDA licensing regulations for demonstrating safety and effectiveness. 25

Three days later, a third US missionary doctor working in Liberia is diagnosed with Ebola and flown to Nebraska for treatment, 26 as deaths in Africa reach 2,100 people out of about 4,000 thought to have been infected.

On September 16, the U.S. announces that Ebola is a national and global security threat and that at least 3,000 American military personnel will be sent to the capitol of Liberia to establish a regional military command and control center. 27 28

Two days later, the United Nations Security Council adopts a U.S.- developed resolution calling for a lifting of travel and border restrictions on citizens living in African nations where Ebola is widespread so that everyone can travel freely between countries, including into the U.S. 29

On September 20, a Liberian citizen infected with Ebola flies from Liberia to Texas and exposes family members after a Dallas hospital misdiagnoses his symptoms on Sept. 26 and sends him home. When he is diagnosed with Ebola two days later, public health officials fail to immediately employ appropriate infection control measures and children and adults in Dallas are put at risk for Ebola infection. 30

Ten days later, CDC officials hold a press conference and insist that the only way a person can transmit Ebola is when there is a fever and other symptoms of illness and the only way a person can become infected with Ebola is to have direct contact with body fluids of an infected person but that under no circumstances is Ebola airborne. Americans are assured that there will be no Ebola epidemic in this country because CDC officials are “stopping this in its tracks.“ 31

On October 2, a Missouri microbiologist and emergency trauma physician checks in at Atlanta’s airport wearing a Hazmat uniform with protective goggles, boots and gloves and a sign on his back declaring that  “The CDC is Lying” to protest non-existent infection control measures at airports and what he called a “sugar-coating of the risk of transmission” of Ebola, predicting the deadly infectious disease will consume every African nation and become epidemic in America. 32

On October 8, top disease control and Ebola infection experts publicly admit that scientists are not sure how Ebola is transmitted, admitting there is a possibility that Ebola could be transmitted through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes and that an asymptomatic person without a fever may be able to infect others. The scientists also express concern that Ebola screening at airports targeting people with fevers could be ineffective because symptoms can be masked by taking Tylenol and other fever-reducing medications. 33

The next day, the House Armed Services Committee and Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense approves nearly $1 billion dollars in funding for the U.S. to “lead the international response to the Ebola outbreak.” 34

That same day, the first NIH-developed experimental Ebola vaccine starts being tested on humans in several African nations 35 while a U.S. public opinion poll reveals that the majority of Americans want a ban on incoming flights from Liberia and other countries where Ebola is rampant. By a 2 to 1 margin, Americans oppose sending American soldiers to those countries and 50% of Americans suspect there will be an Ebola outbreak in the U.S. 36

So here is what inquiring minds want to know: 

  • Why did U.S. health officials in Atlanta and on the ground in Africa ignore the exploding Ebola epidemic last spring?  
  • Why did U.S. government officials fly American aid workers infected with Ebola to the U.S. rather than treating them with experimental drugs at hospitals in Africa?
  • Why did the U.S. government press the United Nations to adopt a resolution calling for no restrictions on international travel from Liberia and other Ebola-stricken countries?  
  • Why did the Centers for Disease Control, supposedly the world’s leading infection control agency, fail to immediately assist Texas health officials when the first case of Ebola was diagnosed on US soil to guarantee that, at a minimum, the kind of infection control measures used in most nursing homes in America would be carried out?
  • Why has the Director of the CDC repeatedly stated that the only way a person can transmit Ebola is if they have a fever and said that people cannot get Ebola unless they have direct contact with the body fluids of an infected person - but that under no circumstances is Ebola airborne - when he knows, or should know, those statements could be false? 37 38 39 40 41 42
  • And why are experimental Ebola vaccines being fast tracked into human trials and promoted as the final solution rather than ramping up testing and production of the experimental ZMapp drug that has already saved the lives of several Ebola infected Americans? 

A logical conclusion is that some people in industry, government and the World Health Organization did not want the Ebola outbreak to be confined to several nations in Africa because that would fail to create a lucrative global market 43 44 for mandated use of fast tracked Ebola vaccines by every one of the seven billion human beings living on this planet.  

Will there be an Ebola outbreak in America?45 46 47 48 49 Ask the CDC, WHO, DOD, NIH and Congress.

Learn more about Ebola and Ebola vaccines and share pins from our Ebola Pinterest Board.

It’s your health. Your family. Your choice. 



Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Online Courses for Parents on Homeoprophylaxis - Learn More About Safe Homeopathic Immunization for Your Child!

Dear H4W Subscribers

I now offer
Homeoprophylaxis in my practice - Safe Homeopathic Immunizations in my practice for clients, friends and family from newborns to adults, including for college students and adults who plan to be traveling to foreign countries and want protection from contagious diseases - without dangerous vaccination.

Read more here:

Read about two courses below for more education on this topic geared for parents!

Parents: Free Course
Take a free Course Online:
"Immunization: Your Child, Your Choice"

Enroll: Immunization - Your Child, Your Choice

In this online video Course Dr. Isaac Golden, the world's foremost authority on homeopathic immunization  will provide facts about homeopathic immunization. He will look at the three important questions he is often asked by parents who are researching immunization options for their children.

This course is designed for parents who genuinely care about the health of their children, and who are prepared to take the time to carefully examine health options, and not just rely on being directed by health authorities.

1.      What is Homeopathic Immunization and Is It Safe?

2.      Is Homeopathic Immunization Effective?

3.      Is there any Evidence?

4.     What is the Government's position on Homeopathic Immunization. Are there issues with school entry etc.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Vitamin D deficiency may be related to ADHD in children, says new study

Vitamin D deficiency may be related to ADHD in children, says new study

New research presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics Experience National Conference & Exhibition found that low vitamin D levels are prevalent in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a very common disorder among children and is characterized by an inability to remain focused and difficulty in behavior control. The prevalence of ADHD has been steadily increasing, from 7.8% in 2003 to 11% in 2011.

Researchers are still studying the cause of developmental disorders such as ADHD or autism. In both of these conditions, it is thought that the genes you are born with play a role in developing these disorders.

Recently, researchers have become interested in the possible role that environmental and nutritional status play in these developmental disorders.

Vitamin D is one these factors of  interest and researchers from Qatar recently conducted a study to determine if vitamin D deficiency is linked to ADHD.

The research team recruited 1,331 children with ADHD and 1,331 children without ADHD to serve as a controls.

Vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, cholesterol and phosphorus were measured in every child. Information on socio-demographics and family history was also collected.

The researchers compared these measurements between groups to determine how children with ADHD differed from children without the disorder.

They found that vitamin D deficiency was more prevalent in children with ADHD when compared to the control group. The average vitamin D level in children with ADHD was 16.6 ng/ml, compared to 23.5 ng/ml in the control group.

“The study showed that vitamin D deficiency was higher among school age children and adolescents with the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder compared to controls,” the researchers concluded.


Kamal, M. Is High Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency a Contributory Factor for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents? AAP Experience National Conference & Exhibition, 2014.


Healing Crisis - What Does It Mean In Homeopathy?

Healing Crisis  - What Does It Mean In Homeopathy?

by Kari J. Kindem, CFHom, Classical Homeopath, CEASE Practitioner
San Jose, CA, USA
October 2014

What is a Healing Crisis?
A healing crisis is the body’s too rapid response to the STIMULUS of the homeopathic remedy.

The weaker the immune system, the more likely a healing crisis with intensity will be. It can easily look like the “wrong” remedy to a practitioner who does not understand detoxification pathways or to a fearful parent.  It can be anxiety producing for a parent who is not informed about what to look for. In reality, it actually represents “good news” – that things are moving up and out, but it should NOT be excessive or overwhelming either.

Why the healing crisis?
When you provide NEW ENERGY from a homeopathic remedy, because homeopathy is energy medicine, the body (Vital Force) in its intelligence will use that energy immediately to the highest and best use. Which in most cases, would be to work a detoxification pathway and quickly.

Analogy: Think of someone cleaning out whole garage filled with tons of garbage and mold and junk that has accumulated for many years, including 2 trunks from the parents, and 4 trunks from the 2 sets of grandparents that came unopened in the basement, stored there. Think of it this way: there is no way you could clean out a basement and not see proof you did so! It is the same with the body. Exit channels will be very busy, for quite a while.

Basic Concepts to Remember
  • Homeopathy is like “cleaning house” – this is what I tell my clients.
  • Going through the “junk in the trunk” – and exiting i.e. detoxing through normal detox channels, which will be weaker in people with more toxins and miasmatic burdens.
  • The fundamental function of homeopathy is adding new energy to stimulate detoxification and the return of body balance and organ function that comes once this is achieved.
  • The detoxification process takes times!
  • Some of the disturbances were transferred on DNA, just like the genes were and have to be energetically cleared.
  • The body needs MORE ENERGY (provided from the homeopathic remedy) than it has, in order to stimulate a detox boost.
  • All disease is from lack of adequate ENERGY.
  • All ENERGY is reduced by STRESS – both external and internal stress.
    • External stress is lifestyle, diet, drugs, vaccines, ones environment, including environmental toxins, family dynamics, etc.
    • Internal stress is that set of unconscious beliefs or false beliefs - which we call core delusions in homeopathy and these come from past PERSONAL and INHERITED traumas with strong emotions like fright, fear, mortification, disappointment, lack of love, criticism, anger, etc. These are also transferred on DNA to offspring the same way genes are transferred.
  • This is how we inherit disease patterns, called miasms in homeopathy and energetic disturbances.
  • Luckily, homeopathy cleans the whole mess up…..but of course, it will take time!
Exit Channels in Detoxification
  • The key EXIT channels are stool, urine, sweat, saliva, skin, menstrual cycle in women with periods and dreams for the mental and emotional state.
  • If the remedy is TOO STRONG, the exit channels will be bombarded and too quickly.  But do not confuse a healing crisis with an aggravation or the wrong remedy.
  • Adjusting potency and water dosing helps mitigate against aggravations or extended crisis.
The Role of Genetics and Detoxification
  • It is a fact that 45% of all of us have ONE OR MORE of the genetic mutations.  As clients and practitioners, learning more makes sense. This is only known since the Human Genome Project came into being, in 2005. New stuff!
  • Methylation cycles in those with A1298C and C677T and other SNP's and mutations are VERY weak. Some as challenged, such as if there are 2 copies of the C677 for example, with methylation challenges at 70% LESS than normal.
  • It is a fact that 95% of children on the autistic spectrum have these genetic mutations. Read and learn more here on MTHFR.
  • This is the “why” in how vaccinations with heavy metals HUGELY overwhelm detox pathways that are already incredibly week and insufficient.
Homeopathy and Detox Supports
  • Classical homeopathy is magnificent and does immediate work to stimulate detoxification, gently and effectively.
  • The role of methylation is the detox function and if challenged, the basic nutritional balancing work around are essential for a smoother detox, in my view and in my practice experience to avoid prolonged healing crisis and discouragement.