Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving 2014 - Here Are My Favorite Thanksgiving Remedies!

Wishing each of you a Thanksgiving filled with health and many blessings!

Below I am sharing my latest Facebook post, which is also on my website entitled “Thanksgiving Remedies For Your Holiday Celebration”

Thanksgiving Remedies For Your Holiday Celebration
by Kari J. Kindem, CFHom, Classical Homeopath

Kari says: "I am so thankful for is one of the greatest blessings we have, for its natural healing power!"

Thankful for friends and family....but if all the preparations have really exhausted you, consider Sepia.

Thankful for hugs and kisses...but if you just caught someone's sore throat with swollen glands, consider Mercurius.

Thankful for the turkey, stuffing and all the rest...but if you over indulged in way too much food or alcohol, consider Nux vomica.

Thankful for the beautiful Fall weather....but if aches and pains arrive with it, better with warmth and massage, consider Rhus tox.

Thankful for cheerful helpers in the kitchen...but if someone cut themselves carving the turkey and are bleeding, consider Calendula.

Thankful for a big, hot oven to cook the delicious meal in...but if you got a bad burn taking things out of the oven, consider Cantharis.

Thankful for special visitors...but if someone very special missed their plane and you're in tears with disappointment, consider Ignatia amara.

Thankful for the delicious food...but if you ate something that wasn't quite right and suspect food poisoning and have diarrhea, consider Arsenicum.

Thankful for the BIG turkey platter, that gets used once a year...but if was dropped on your foot and it's bruised and swelling, consider Arnica.

Thankful for a day filled with joy, memories and family celebration...but if you just can't fall asleep after all the fun, eyes are wide open, consider Coffea.

(Copyright 2014.  All rights reserved.)

Click here for water dosing instructions for any of the above remedies.

May You Enjoy a Blessed and Healthy Thanksgiving with Family and Friends!