Thursday, November 13, 2014

New Study: For Pediatric Developmental Disorders, Homeopathy is the Answer!

For Pediatric Developmental Disorders, Homeopathy is the Answer: Study

Results of a study done by a Mumbai-based homeopath over a period of seven years, has revealed that homeopathy holds the key to managing pediatric developmental disorders. The research was conducted on 500 children with developmental disorders in India and Europe.

Dr Shreepad Khedekar, who anchored the study said, "We wanted to see the efficacy of homoeopathy in pediatric developmental disorders. The children were in the age group of 3-15 years and their parents were counseled for the treatment."

According to Dr Khedekar, these children were diagnosed with delayed development, autism, tuberous sclerosis, dyspraxia, border line Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and cerebral palsy.

"These children were put on corrective bio-therapy where each child's own growth radiant was stimulated by giving a specific combination of homeopathy medicines. These children were regularly followed up in the period of 2-7 years," said Dr Khedekar.

Dr Khedekar further added that children were followed up individually by two European pediatricians while a population genetics expert also monitored each child to infer the pre and post treatment differences.
"We found that 80% of the children were completely cured and living a physically and psychologically balanced life. The focus of the treatment through homeopathy was not to treat the isolated symptoms of the developmental disorder, but to treat the child as a whole and help in building up the personality traits of the child from the time of the treatment,” added Dr Khedekar.

The study also found that 60% of the developmental disorders were due to disharmony at home, troubled marriage, single parent, family disputes. Around 30% of children who were diagnosed with a developmental disorder were pre-term, had mothers with low BMI, genetic make-up, sub fertility, and job stress during pregnancy.

The study has been sent to be published in national and international medical journals.

